Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 15 Video Review

The first video I chose was Greenberg on Art Criticism: An interview by T.J. Clark. This was an interview with Clement Greenberg who advocated for the old abstract expressionism. The various ways that art is analyzed and criticized was discussed. What was also discussed misinterpretations as well.

The Critics was about how art criticism is perceived by the public, and talked about the variety of criticism and the amount of weight that is put on public perceptions. This video spoke in depth about how criticism helps to show other explanations of art. This is not always on impulse, but it is about facts, and feelings as well.

These videos both helped to discuss and interpret critics on artwork. They also showed how knowledge and background information can help to decipher between what is really art, and what is not. The biggest things that I took away from the videos was how to give better feedback as a critic, and also a better understanding on the fact that the opinion of others when compared to your own greatly differs with art.

Overall, I think that the videos certainly added depth to my understanding of criticism.  What is important to remember is that many criticisms are opunions, and they are specific to the individual. What one viewer might love, the other may not, depending on their life experiences, culture, and feelings. Critics do help to benefit the art that they are critiquing. 

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