Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Module 11 Videos

Matisse and Picasso
1.     I chose this video because I really enjoy Picassos work and what I have learned about him so far in this course.  
2.     This video talked about the relationship between Matisse and Picasso, and talked about the lives of the artists individually, as well as the collections of both of the artists. I found it interesting that Matisse thought that drawing and painting were the same things, and the same processes.

Dada and Surrealism
1.     I chose this video because I think that surrealism is very visually pleasing and interesting through the use of the subconscious.
2.     This video talked about how the Dada movement changed into surrealism, and the affects that it had on art. Pieces from Europe were used as an example. It was very interesting how Schwitters did not want to be associated with other artists.

3.     The videos both related to reading in the texts because they are topics that we have read about, but a more in depth understanding occurred. They both also gave great representations of what the times were like.
4.     The videos were helpful and both gave a greater depth of concepts and the personalities of the artists. Many good techniques and examples through different pieces of artwork were given. 

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