Friday, November 29, 2013

Week 15-Self Portraits


 Inspiration Pieces

My Artwork

1. I selected these inspiration pieces because of the personality involved in the artwork. I looked through hundreds of pieces, and many were just front on shots of individuals. They all seemed so boring, and uninterested. They seemed to almost be mad that they had to be in a picture. When I found these three pieces of artwork, I loved the expression by the individuals. I feel like I was able to learn so much more about who these people were. They seemed happy, and fun, which is how I like to be.

2. I chose to draw with pencil, because since this class has started I have been getting lessons from my sister about drawing and doing a lot of sketching. Throughout these lessons we have mainly used pencil, so this media I feel very comfortable with, and you can erase!

3. I had a really hard time drawing my teeth and had to erase several times and continue to try until I was satisfied. I also felt that as I started to draw the background, it took away from the subject (me) so I did not finish it!

4. This piece represents me because I am laughing, which I love to do. This picture and drawing both are great expressions of me. I love to be outside, and to laugh.

5. Line, color, shape, form, and value all can be seen in this self portrait.

6. I loved working on this project. As I mentioned before, I have been practicing and taking lessons with my sister. I have never drawn myself, so this project was fun to have my sister guiding me through.

7. I am so proud of all of my hard work on this project. Overall, I am very proud!

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