Thursday, September 26, 2013


      Creating my logo I knew that I wanted to use the word “revolution” and focus on a fitness logo. My goal was to make this logo look masculine. When doing my sketches I focused on weights, muscles, running, and biking. When I chose the sketch, I liked this one because it reminded me of someone overcoming an obstacle. I stuck with the masculine theme when choosing my colors as well

The creative thinking skills and ideas I used were stereotypes in fitness. When someone hears a fitness center, they think of muscles, and barbells, weights, and the heart. I was able to use these ideas to help me generate a logo. I had to think out of the box when it came to this design, because many ideas that I had would not come out the way that I had planned.
In the creation of my logo, I learned two things. First off, I was more creative than I thought! Secondly, however, it did not come easy! I originally thought that sketching would only take me a few minutes, but after about 5 minutes I had one sketch drawn, and no more ideas. This was a difficult process that took me a long time!

Something that I learned from the videos and the text was that label making is a very difficult art form. The process is extremely complex, and it is important to incorporate the elements of art. It takes a lot of time to get this process right. Many sketches need to be done before the final product can come together. The designers must go through a lot of hard work to get all of the details correct.

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