Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Module 6 Videos

Both videos Through the Eyes of a Sculptor, and Glass and Ceramics were able to give the viewer a lot of insight into the intricate processes of design.

In the first video, great insight was given in the detailed process of making a sculpture. It starts with an original sketch, and models, along with a very complicated and detailed stone selection process before the sculpting even begins. Selecting the stone is a very dangerous process for the workers.
This video talked about modeling and carving which were mentioned in the chapter. The different stages were seen in this video, as well as the overall process. I was amazed at all of the steps that went into creating a piece of artwork. I never imagined it would be so complicated!

In the second video, what stuck out to me the most is the way that ceramics are used in modern day technology. Ceramics could help with pollution, and currently it is used for hip replacements, as well as for false teeth! Again, each process is very specific, and time consuming!

Overall, the videos each gave me a better sense of topics in the book. Reading about the processes is one thing, but seeing the intricate, and beautiful creations come to life was very exciting. As I mentioned earlier, I definitely have a better understanding to all of the steps involved in creating these works, and all of them seem like intricate, and fine works of art.

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