Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Module 10 Video Reviews

1.     I chose this video because I found the life cycles to be crazy, and confusing when doing the reading for this week.
2.     This video talked about the beginning of Buddhism, as well as the use of architecture and art. Buddhism looks to destroy all of the desires that increase the ego and these obstacles must be overcome in order to reach enlightenment. People must rid themselves of all desires. The Great Stupa is a popular destination for pilgrimages and when they arrive, the followers are able to release material things.  Many temples were shown as well. Many include engravings that show stories.
3.     This video showed real examples of Buddhism architecture. In addition, it showed details about Buddhist practices as well as the history.
4.     This video gave me a greater idea of the beliefs of Buddhism. I also enjoyed seeing all of the monuments and sacred places. This visualization was easier to see than reading in the textbook.

The Great Wave
1.     I chose this video because I have a sticker of it on my computer from vacation and did not realize it was a famous symbol.
2.     Hokusais “Great Wave” is a major symbol in Japanese art. When it was created in the 19th century, it was sold for next to nothing, and now it is very iconic. The Japanese view the symbols as one of courage and strength but many others see the symbol to be violent and showing how powerful nature is. The wave was not ever meant to symbolize a tsunami. The wave is based on many mathematical theories as well as geometry. The rest of the video talks about how Hokusai spent the rest of his life working on many other styles.
3.     This video related to the reading about Japanese art and history, which was read in the textbook. It helps to give a better understanding of the visual images.
4.     This video helped me to understand not only a lot more about Japanese culture, but also about a symbol that I have so often seen in my daily life. It was interesting to hear all about the controversy, as I had no idea so much even existed! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Module 9-Video Review

1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I chose these two videos because I wanted to hear more about Michelangelo and Di Vinci. They are both well known, and incredible artists and I wanted to see their work.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
“The Drawings of Michelangelo”- the key concepts was about all of the different styles and techniques that he used with different pieces of art. For example, Michelangelo knew much about anatomy, and this was very apparent in the way that he drew his figures. He had great appreciation for the figure of a male. The tools used were also included. This really showed what an incredible artist he was. This video showed that he drew his entire life, yet few drawings remain today. He was the one that destroyed them.
Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance”-this video taught much about his life from birth to death. As a curious teen, da Vinci went to Florence to study painting. He mastered animals as well as human proportion. Da Vinci studied machines and wanted to improve them, and also did service in many other communities. When da Vinci died, he was the first engineer, painter, and architect to the King.
 3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Both artists were during the Renaissance period, which is how they clearly relate to the readings in the text this week. These men were many of many trades, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and poetry. In addition, they were very intelligent, which is why they are great representations of the type of man described in the book.
4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
Both artists were very inspirational with their talent. They were both able to weave many different topics into their artwork. In addition, they were both very successful and intelligent. They impacted me with the amount of respect that artists deserve. They are extremely educated and smart, and are not just people who are good at painting. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lines-Hand Drawings

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
It was interesting to really look at my own hand in detail. Hands are things that are such a big part of every single thing throughout the day, yet I have never really stopped to look at them in such detail!
2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Pencil Why? Pencil is something that I feel very comfortable using, and I felt that I would have much more control with my pencil because of the ability to erase when I made mistakes!
3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
It was hard!! Clearly I was not as successful as I would have hoped. I actually was cracking myself up during the process, because I knew that there was such a big difference in the two. My hand control seemed non-existant with my other hand. It was shaky, and very difficult!
4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
I think they were both successful, yes! I think the contrast is really funny, and a great example of the difference in dominant and non-dominant hands, as well as drawing with line. 
5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Videos Module 8

The first video “More Human than Human” was required, and the second video, which is titled “Cairo Museum” I chose because the opening imaged was aesthetically pleasing. The image was bright, sunny, and seemed to be talking more about things in the present than way back in history. I chose it based on my first impression!

In the first film, it is discussed that the human mind chooses the images that it likes. We do not look like the images that we see in everyday art, but we continue to create human images in that way. The images that are created are not realistic, and this “ideal” looking person is created due to the fact that we like to enhance parts of the body that we are interested in. These body parts are different in cultures all across the world. Images are often shown to show humans with no wrinkles, being beautiful, fit, and young. This is exactly as art was always created until the Romans made that change.

The second film showed all of the items and artifacts in the museum. There are many thousand objects within the museum. The video was all about Egyptian art, and various works of art have been created. This included sculptures, paintings, and architecture. It is here in the museum that artifacts are restored and put onto display. There are so many artifacts on display, yet many are still not out for the public. Everything within the museum is about eternal life, as well as death.

The videos helped to add depth and understanding to the text. The first video related to the reading in Chapter 14 about art before the Romans, and how humans were often perceived as flawless. The second video did not relate as much, but still was represented with the text. The videos discussed architecture, and religion, just like the text. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Module 7-Videos

11.     –In the Frank Lloyd Wright video, it was discussed how Wright wanted to take people out of their normal home structure, and wanted to create homes that blended with the environment instead of destroying it. Wright “layered horizontals” to blend with the environment. Wright designed houses to be unique, and very out of the ordinary. He often made houses with large windows, various floors, and ceiling heights.
-In the Architecture: The Science of Design, the focus was on the evolving technology that is involved in creating different structures. The materials change, as well as the science. The process was not only a creative piece of artwork, but the many different methods, weather accommodations, such as earthquakes, wind, and snowstorms, and various other location situations, such as building a bridge over water, all of this involves science of how the structure is going to be built.

22.     These videos related to the readings because it was able to show examples from what is seen in the textbook. The textbook focused on the materials and methods for the structures that we see in the videos.  There are many different styles of architecture, and with these videos we were able to see many different building styles and materials and tangible examples. The contrast between houses and big buildings gave many different perspectives and aspects of what architecture is made up of.

33.     The films were both very informative. I enjoyed understanding why the houses that Wright designed always seemed squished down to me. I was able to learn more about why the houses look the way they do. The video showed me how architecture is such a work of art. This was very evident to me in the structure of the house, which was built right into the landscape and was said to look like “a tree.” The gift to develop this house is one that is not common as it was so unique and beautiful. I thought that the mention about the underground aspect of skyscrapers for support was very interesting.
I was in awe at the amount of science involved in architecture, and I think that the video did a great job at teaching about this.

44.     I chose these videos because they were much shorter than the others, and I have already spent endless hours on this course this week alone. In addition, I have heard of Wright, so I thought that I might be interested in hearing more about who he is. I have seen pictures of his houses before, and always thought they were kind of ugly! Because of this I wanted to learn more. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Peer Responses to Artwork

1. http://paradoxx118.blogspot.com/


2. For blog 1 (Darren) I agreed with most principles, but not all. I was confused about the picture for proportion with the VW van, as well as the picture of the tree for emphasis. Neither one particularly stuck out to me. The picture for contrast with the beautiful sunset was great to show contrast in color, and also had slight movement involved with the tree. The image for color also was a great example of line.
For blog 2 (Andreas) I thought that the picture for proportion using feet was great. For the picture with space, I also think emphasis could have been demonstrated as well, with the flower being the only yellow object on the green background. The picture for balance also could have been used with pattern because after every dock is water, then another dock, and more water.

3. Darrens trip to the Art Museum overlapped mine a little bit. We both used Series 14 No. 2, and Polarity. The biggest difference between how we saw this works was that mine was criticizing, while Darrens was admiring. This just proves that different works of art can be viewed in different ways depending on who is looking at it.
Andrea and I did not have any pieces of artwork that were the same as my own.

4. My peers selected two images that sparked my interest. One was "Fog" by Susie Rosmarian, as well as "Dinamismo di un Cane al Guinzaglio." The first picture was viewed as the uncertainties of what life can bring. I could really relate to this feeling with being a senior who is graduating in May. The second picture was an oil painting of a dog. I had a connection to this because the dog is black just life my dog, and I love dogs!

5. Reading about my peers reviews taught me a lot. I think it is very interesting how the images can be seen in different ways. I think life experiences lead to this happening. Many people have immediate connections to pictures while others may not have one at all. I appreciated this and thought it taught a lot.

Module 6 Videos

Both videos Through the Eyes of a Sculptor, and Glass and Ceramics were able to give the viewer a lot of insight into the intricate processes of design.

In the first video, great insight was given in the detailed process of making a sculpture. It starts with an original sketch, and models, along with a very complicated and detailed stone selection process before the sculpting even begins. Selecting the stone is a very dangerous process for the workers.
This video talked about modeling and carving which were mentioned in the chapter. The different stages were seen in this video, as well as the overall process. I was amazed at all of the steps that went into creating a piece of artwork. I never imagined it would be so complicated!

In the second video, what stuck out to me the most is the way that ceramics are used in modern day technology. Ceramics could help with pollution, and currently it is used for hip replacements, as well as for false teeth! Again, each process is very specific, and time consuming!

Overall, the videos each gave me a better sense of topics in the book. Reading about the processes is one thing, but seeing the intricate, and beautiful creations come to life was very exciting. As I mentioned earlier, I definitely have a better understanding to all of the steps involved in creating these works, and all of them seem like intricate, and fine works of art.